Addressing the issues that matter to our community.

  • Affordable & accessible housing for all

    I have experienced housing instability firsthand. I have seen many of the old factories that she worked in as a child turned into luxury condos that working class people will never be able to afford, and generations of families displaced due to rising rental costs. I will fight for legislation that ensures that housing is not only affordable but accessible and in great supply.

  • Supports for working families

    Ever since graduating from Brown University in 2009, I’ve worked as a parent advocate. I help parents navigate the school and social systems and advocate for themselves and their kids. On any given day, you can find me fighting for the Special Education a child needs or helping a local family find housing. I know the existing systems backward and forward—and I understand that we need bold improvements to the way our state supports families and children.

  • Living wage for all

    I vow to stand up to corporations who only care about profit and exploit the workers who make them rich. I will pass and support laws that will ensure all workers have safe and dignified working conditions with good pay and benefits.

  • Quality of life for seniors

    I will advocate for investments in care for seniors to ensure that our community members are treated with dignity, respect, and compassion even after they have transitioned out of the workforce.

  • Healthcare for all

    Healthcare is a human right, and everyone deserves to go to the doctor when they’re sick and not go bankrupt after staying in the hospital. I support Medicare for All, a health insurance program that would provide everyone in the state with comprehensive healthcare coverage, free at the point of service. I will work to stop the pharmaceutical industry from ripping people off by capping what patients pay for prescription drugs.

  • Quality education and childcare

    This community has been ignored for too long and our schools desperately need greater investment so young people can thrive. Our state must invest in public education so that students have access to full curriculums (inc. arts and sports), supplies, and facilities. When schools pay their teachers a living wage, teachers are able to stay in their roles for a long time and build meaningful relationships with their students and respond to their learning needs.

  • Actual justice for all

    For years, I have put my experience of the criminal legal system to work helping directly impacted neighbors. I founded the Formerly Incarcerated Union to give community members with records a fair shot at stable housing and employment. I understand that real safety requires addressing root causes such as poverty.

  • Combatting the climate crisis

    I have lived in this state all my life, so I understand the specific dangers that the climate crisis poses for Rhode Island as a coastal state. I will fight for a green jobs guarantee so people can find training and work upgrading roads and public transportation to lower pollution, creating energy-efficient power grids, and expanding our community’s access to clean water and clean air.

  • Compassionate solutions for the addiction epidemic

    People in this community are dying from substance poisoning and overdose because of medical conditions like addiction. I will fight to make sure people struggling with addiction can access the behavioral and medical care they need, and ensure that they aren’t criminalized because of their medical conditions.

  • Gun safety

    It’s past time for Rhode Island to enact reasonable protections to prevent, reduce, and eliminate gun violence. I fully support banning military-style assault weapons.